Saturday, August 10, 2013

Welcome Back!

Open house was such a success! So many excited students who are just as excited as we are to begin the new school year.

Here are a few updates for the upcoming school year:

Lunch Prices
Breakfast - $1.00
Visitors Breakfast - $2.25
Reduced Breakfast - $0.30
Lunch - $1.60
Visitors Lunch - $3.25
Reduced Lunch - $0.40
Fill out your lunch application here

We are pleased to announce that the Hall County Board of Education is implementing a new process that will help improve the level of security and safety in our schools. The Raptor Visitor Management System will be in use at the start of the 2013-2014 school year. This system will require that visitors provide the driver’s license or other government issued photo identification card to school staff. Then in a process that will take less than 90 seconds, the identification will be scanned and checked against the national sex offender database. After a visitor is cleared, the only personal information that is stored is the individual’s name, photograph, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of the driver’s license number. Once your identification has been scanned, you will not need to present it to the school again for 5 years. However, each time they enter the school, the Raptor system will again check them against the offender registry.
The Raptor Visitor Management System is a precautionary measure. Any visitors without proper driver’s license or government identification will not be allowed to enter a Hall County School after September 5, 2013. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and help with this program.

Important upcoming dates:
August 12 First Day of School
August 27 Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night : 5-8
September 2 No School : Holiday for Students
September 5 McDonald’s Spirit Night
September 19 Stevie B’s Spirit Night
September 24 Skate Country Spirit Night

Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcome to Sugar Hill Elementary Fifth Grade!

We would like to welcome our students and parents to fifth grade.  Fifth grade is a special year, because students will be able to participate in exciting programs that only fifth graders are involved in. 
We hope that you are as excited about this year as we are, and we are looking forward to having you our classes. We hope to see you at Open House on August 8th, 2013 from 3pm. – 6 pm. 

We hope that your child has a rewarding and full-filling educational experience in fifth grade here at Sugar Hill Elementary.  The year is going to be exciting and we are looking forward to spending it with you and your child.

Please check out our blog often for updates!

Fifth Grade Teachers,
Stacey Hicks
Crystal Kell
Pam Davis
April Baldwin
Lindsey Smith