winter comes, it brings the chance of a SNOW DAY! Should you receive
information that we are having a School From Home Day, please have your child
find their Snow Day Homework Packet. All students received this packet in
December. This packet contains a BINGO sheet of assignments for students to
complete. Students will choose one activity from each column – example: one
Science activity, one Social Studies activity, etc. For multiple days at home,
spell out BINGO in different ways!
If you
have misplaced your Snow Day Packet, click the link below to download the
packet or see your child’s teacher’s webpage to access the materials as well. http://tinyurl.com/shasnow
Baldwin – http://teacherpages.hallco.org/webpages/msbrunk
Pirkle – http://teacherpage.hallco.org/webpages/ckell
Hicks – http://teacherpages.hallco.org/webpages/sphagan
Davis – http://teacherpages.hallco.org/webpages/pdavis
Smith – http://teacherpages.hallco.org/webpages/lmsmith